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We secured the 2nd position in the Economic Empowerment East Africa category. Our CEO, Mrs. Доброго времени суток друзья! Наша организация работает 15 лет на рынке этой продукции в Беларуси.

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We at DHANAK not only aims to make the future of kids brighter by providing them education but also by making earth, a better place to live for them. So, we took the initiative to celebrate the International Environment Day this year by planting around 80 trees across Vasundhara area of Ghaziabad. Everyone from elderly to younglings came forward and helped us in our initiative. When planting trees we saw the how poorly government bodies have maintained the parks around our area, we found tons of plastic buried under the soil which we had to clean to plant the trees. We have honored are pledge with full sincerity and discipline until now and will continue to do so. You can also become a soldier in our mission by making your contribution.

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KiDS magazine #13
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